Two Mexico Lovers

We fell in love with this country which as so much to offer, so we’ve decided to stay

We are Elise & Alex, two adventurers living in Mexico, after having fallen for their charm.

We are Elise & Alexia, two adventurers living in Mexico, who have fallen under its spell. After searching far and wide through many countries, rich in color and vibrancy, we literally fell in love with Mexico. The culture, values and hospitality that we experienced here single handedly impacted our decision to embark on this endeavor: Mexikoo.

It all started during a road trip through the Chiapas, our favorite Mexican state. We take pride in thinking outside of the box and getting out of our comfort zone. We believe it is only then do the real experiences begin. It was during this road trip that we made contact with locals in isolated villages, slept in the jungle listening to the monkeys howl, observed animals in their natural habitat…Basically, we realized that experiences like these are what create truly unique memories.

We mentioned that we fell in love with the culture, the style, and the hospitality. Now we want to offer some of this hospitality to others looking for their own adventures. This is why the project was born. We want to help you discover all the hidden corners and authenticities of Mexico that we have had the chance to visit.

So why “Mexikoo”?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to look very far, because it’s the Mayan word for Mexico. You’re going to tell us that the ancient Mayan civilizations no longer exist, and you are right! However, there are communities of Mayan descendants who still live in certain regions of Mexico, particularly around the Yucatan Peninsula, where the native language is still spoken. We figured we would preserve the Mayan dictionary in our own way with this project 😉

The amazing Franco-Mexican Team

Alexia Lafitau

- Co-fondatrice & Directrice d'agence

Son amour pour le Mexique, l'innovation et la technologie est une source constante de motivation dans le développement de Mexikoo.

Nicolas Condouret

General Manager

Il est installé depuis plus de 10 ans au Mexique qui est devenu son pays d'adoption, il se charge de la coordination des équipes sur place

Kim Julian

Responsable des ventes

La personnalisation est aux yeux de Kim bien plus qu’un mot mais un art de vivre et la satisfaction des voyageurs au cœur de ses priorités.

Elías Vega

Production & Operation Manager

Il est le contact privilégié avec nos partenaires, assurant une coordination parfaite pour garantir la satisfaction des voyageurs

Ilona Enjalbert

Conceptrice de voyages

Joviale et pleine d'énergie, elle est votre contact privilégié pour la créations d'itinéraires inoubliables

Marie Woo

Conceptrice de voyages

Ayant passé plus de 10 ans Mexique, elle possède une expertise sur le pays qui lui permet de créer des itinéraires en accord avec vos envies

Angélique Sénon

Quality & Concierge

Au service conciergerie, elle se charge de la qualité des itinéraires et s’assure que tout se déroule à la perfection pendant votre voyage.

Nicolas Balse

Agent d'opérations et production

Nicolas a voyagé plusieurs mois dans le pays, ce qui lui a permis de découvrir des lieux incroyables et de faire des rencontres authentiques

Camille Gueboub

Agent d'opérations et production

Camille s'est faite adopter par le Mexique il y a 4 ans. Elle est maintenant à votre service pour gérer toute la logistique de vos séjours.

Rosalinda Salinas

Responsable d'administration

En tant que responsable RH, elle s'occupe de toute la partie administrative, ressources humaines et comptabilité

Our engagements

Excursions in respect of wild animals

Mass tourism often involves animal abuse. At Mexikoo, we only offer excursions with the greatest respect for animals. We do not disturb them in their natural space, respect our distances during the observations, and forbid towers with animals in captivity.

Eco-friendly hotels

Because in 2018, ecofriendly does not necessarily rhyme with rustic. We offer a selection of eco-friendly / eco-chic hotels that strive to reduce their energy consumption and reduce their impact on nature. You will travel in comfort, while respecting the environment.

Wastes reduction

We gift our travelers with an eco-traveler kit (biodegradable sunscreen and repellent, iron straws, etc) at the beginning of the trip in order to limit their impact on the environment, and reduce their plastic consumption the most. We are also using, when possible, alternative, eco-friendly ways of transportation.

Integration of local populations

The profit from the tourism industry should be distributed with more equity. That’s why we include and promote local communities’ projects in our itineraries. This way, we enable some families and take them out of poverty thanks to tourism.

Balance the ecological impact

We all know travelling has an impact on the environment. The idea isn’t to stop travelling of course, but rather to balance our ecological impact by travelling more responsibly.

Donate to a Mexican NGO  

Mexikoo donates a part of its benefits to a Mexican NGO called Sea Shepherd Mexico, and thus participates in actions to preserve endangered animals such as humpback whales, to conserve ecosystems, or collect waste.

Where to find us?

I want a personalized quote


(+52) 1 55 2311 4638 (+52) 1 55 2311 4638

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